Saturday, May 4

Circumstances when you definitely need a divorce lawyer in Utah 

One is never really prepared to handle the aftermath and consequences of a divorce. If your marriage has failed despite all the effort, divorce might be the only option. Circumstances surrounding divorces can vary largely, and it is wise to seek legal advice. Divorce is more than just legal paperwork. It will change your marital status and life ahead, which is why every possible aspect and consideration must be taken into account. If you are wondering about hiring a Salt Lake City divorce lawyer, here’s an overview of circumstances when you need legal help.  

When you are not on agreeable terms with your spouse

While a no-fault divorce is the fastest way to end your marriage in Utah, not all divorces are simple. If there are points of contention, such as child custody, spousal support, distribution of assets, and child support, you may want to get an attorney for your representation. Your divorce attorney can negotiate with your spouse and their lawyer, so that things are settled as amicably as possible. Going to court would be an expensive affair for everyone involved. 

When you fear your spouse

In case you fear that your spouse may harm you before the divorce is finalized, consider talking to an attorney. It is not uncommon to come across cases, where one spouse has retaliated against the other. If the threat seems real and you worry about the wellbeing of your minor children, let the attorney know, and they can get a restraining order.  

When your financial situation is complex

Utah allows for equitable distribution of assets, but that doesn’t always mean equal. For many couples, finances often become a point of fight, often when both have purchased assets together or have agreed to pay debts and loans. If you had inherited property before your marriage, your lawyer can help in understanding if some of these assets can be protected. Also, when you need spousal support and child support, your attorney can guide on realistic aspects of the divorce. 

When you want to finalize the divorce quickly 

When you want to finalize the divorce as quickly as possible, having a lawyer always helps. If you decide to file for a no-fault divorce, the minimum waiting period is 90 days, and your lawyer can use this period to sort important aspects with your spouse.

Check online now to find more on divorce attorneys near you in Salt Lake City.